Benefits of UCMAS

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Concentration is the concentrated and directed attention towards a particular matter with clear reflection that creates a deep image and mental impression. An enhanced concentration leads to better absorption power. Studying will then be a joyful thing for these children. In the abacus and mental arithmetic education children will be trained to concentrate when listening to the teachers questions (that ranges from easy to difficult) and then focus on calculating the answers as accurately as possible.


Observation is the ability to compare and analyse and differentiate objects, motives and steps. It is also a state of alertness and swiftness of the mind and senses. This comes from the need to understand the theoretical requirements of each calculation and at the same time be aware of the time, and promptings from the teachers.


Memory is the ability to store and retrieve information and experiences. It has been found that memory in the left brain would not stay long, but an image that is recorded in the right brain would stay on in the mind forever. By stimulating the right brain with mental arithmetic, and in combination with the alertness of the eyes, ears and hands, the ability to store and recall is developed together.
Therefore, the ability to solve 10-digits arithmetic problems in only a few seconds is only a small success in comparison to the actual mental training that has been done in order to achieve the skill to perform rapid calculations.


By using the imagination of the right brain to visualize the abacus in mind, inevitably the powers of visualization would become sharp and clear. Albert Einstein believes that the imagination is important than knowledge, because imagination is the main source of yet-to-be-discovered knowledge.


Most of the calculation and finger movements are done by the left hand, which is controlled by the right side of the brain. More left hand movement will develop right side of the brain. Creativity also needs good imagination skills which is enhanced by UCMAS program


To be a good judge, one requires appreciating both sides of the issue. UCMAS helps develop both sides of the brain, thus ensuring a good sense of judgment within a child.


It is the art of understanding a situation and then apply all your wisdom and knowledge to give a better meaning to the situation.


To reason about anything, we require a well-balanced, logical and analytical brain. UCMAS has trained both sides of the brain by using abacus, flash cards and speedwriting.


With exceptionally strong memory, concentration with enhanced arithmetic skills with high accuracy and speed, children’s confidence is will get a real boost.